Tag Archives: Girlfriends

What All Women Must Have


A study conducted by the UCLA School of Medicine found that when we're with our girlfriends, our bodies emit the "feel good" hormone oxytocin, helping us reduce everyday stress.

A study conducted by the UCLA School of Medicine found that when we’re with our girlfriends, our bodies emit the “feel good” hormone oxytocin, helping us reduce everyday stress.

You can talk about things you’re interested in with your girlfriends. And, avoid the kind of topics men find fascinating, such as the workings of an engine or how .30 caliber rounds will reach terminal velocities of 300 feet per second.

You laugh at each others’ jokes. Some men, more specifically husbands, don’t understand real humor. Tell a husband a joke and he’ll squint his eyes to slits, scrunch his face as if he suddenly came down with intestinal gas and utter, “I don’t get it.” Girlfriends laugh with you and don’t even care if they don’t get it. They think you’re funny anyway and they love the way you added your sultry Mae West impression to your story. Really good girlfriends not only laugh with you but slap their knee and say, “You are soooo funny.” Those are the girlfriends whose birthdays you remember. read more

Life Is An Adventure (patio heaters and giraffes make it even better)

We cruise along the highway inside Sondra’s car. I’m in the passenger seat, Julie and Phyllis share the back. The sun brightens the Arizona desert with the kind of pristine morning light I don’t usually see since I’m often in bed at this hour.

We take an exit and circle the IHOP parking lot in search of Kathy. Suddenly we see her waving and smiling.

Our plan: we’ll all ride together in one car as we continue on our adventure.

The concern for space begins. Which car, Kathy’s or Sondra’s, has more room? We examine the backseats of Sondra’s and Kathy’s cars to gauge which has the bigger back seat for three people to ride in comfort. I have a claim on the front passenger seat and no one suggests I give it up. Remember everyone? It’s my birthday? Kathy, Sondra, Julie and Phyllis have sweet and generous natures. They let me keep the front seat. I’m prone to motion sickness and the thought of being in the back causes nausea. Thank goodness for my birthday and for caring friends. read more